Official Language
Measures for Implementation of Official Language Policy
It is the policy of the Government to propagate the use of Hindi through inspiration and incentive. In order to inspire and encourage the officers/employees of the Ministry to do their work in Hindi, various Cash Award Schemes of the Department of Official Language such as Hindi Noting and Drafting Scheme, Hindi Dictation Scheme and Hindi Typing/ stenography incentive allowance Scheme have been implemented.
Compliance of Section 3(3) of Official Languages (OL) Act,1963
Section 3(3) of Official Languages Act, 1963 is being complied with fully in the Company and all the documents covered under this section have been issued bilingually. The position of the same is being monitored through the quarterly meetings of the Official Language Implementation Committee chaired by Chairman & Managing Director.
Hindi Training
Hindi Training for all the three courses viz. Prabodh, Praveen and Pragya under Hindi Teaching Scheme of Ministry of Home Affairs, Department of Official Language are arranged at Corporate office, all complex offices and some Regional/District offices. Executives/employees in Company are being nominated for various courses under Hindi Teaching Scheme regularly.
Meetings of Official Language Implementation Committee
There is an Official Language Implementation Committee functioning under the Chairmanship of Chairman & Managing Director in the Corporate Office and the Quarterly Hindi Progress Reports received from the subordinate offices of the Company are reviewed in the meetings of the Committee and remedial measures are suggested to remove the shortcomings. The quarterly meetings of the Committee are held regularly.
Annual Hindi Conference
Translation Work
All translation work and Hindi typing work relating to Annual Reports, CAG Audit Paras, Technical Reports, MoUs, Reports on SC/ST, RTI, Reservation policy, Standing orders, Product Profiles, Advertisement Materials and important standard forms was printed and published bilingually. Besides these, the Hindi translation and typing work of day-to-day material received from the various Sections of the Company, Manuals of the Products and other important material received during Divisions were also attended to.
Rajbhasha Award for performance in implementation of Hindi
BEML Limited, Corporate Office has bagged Rajbhasha Shield in Big PSU category from Town Official Language Implementation Committee (PSU), Bangalore for commendable performance in implementation of Hindi during the year 2015-16.
Regional office, BEML Limited, Sambalpur has been bestowed with Rajbhasha Award with commendation certificate in Small PSU category from Town Official Language Implementation Committee, Sambalpur for commendable performance in implementation of Hindi during the year 2015-16.

Other Achievements
- BEML Product Brochure has been made available in Hindi version also.
- BEML Leaflet of words frequently being used in day-to-day official work has been brought out in bilingual form and circulated among all Sr. executives of the Company.
- Letters received in Hindi were invariably replied to in Hindi.
- Questionnaire related to the Parlimentary Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes & Parlimentary Committee on Public Grievances are made in Hindi – English Bilingual form.
- All the sign boards outside the premises of the Company displayed tri-lingually i.e. Kannada (Regional Language), Hindi and English and the name plates which are displayed within the premises of the Company are also in trilingual form.
- Rubber stamps are made available in Hindi – English bilingual form.
- Visitors’ pass and visiting cards are printed in bilingual form.
- Two or Three pages article in Hindi is being published in monthly house magazine “BEML News”
- A session on “Official Language Policy” is included in all in-house training programmes.
- Hindi Library is functioning in Corporate Office with good number of Hindi Books and Hindi periodicals.
- Hindi Dictionaries, Administrative Glossaries, Help-literatures are supplied to the staff to encourage them to do official works in Hindi.
- Website of BEML is made available in Hindi also.
Manager – Rajbhasha
BEML Soudha
23/1, 4th Main, SR Nagar, Bangalore – 560 027, Karnataka, INDIA