BEML Limited, being a socially responsible business entity has undertaken various initiatives at its Corporate Office and all its Manufacturing Complexes, Townships and Schools to contribute to the realization of the dream of Our Father of the Nation for a ‘Clean India’ through the Swachh Bharat Campaign with active participation of employees.Swachh Bharat Mission launched with the goal of transforming urban India to totally sanitized, healthy and livable cities and towns is being relentlessly pursued by the Company focusing on spreading awareness of the campaign and taking active measures on waste management, provision and cleanliness of public toilets etc.
Celebration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhiji
Film on Mahatma Gandhiji encompassing his life |
Film on Journey of Khadhi |
The Swachh Bharat initiative was launched with activities like pledge taking and conducting public awareness programmes on cleanliness and environment protection such as walkathons, skit/street play to create awareness on cleaning surroundings etc. All employees have taken a pledge to devote 100 hours in a year as ‘Shramadaan’ to ensure cleanliness of the work area & surroundings. Various training programmes on waste management, need and significance of cleanliness have been conducted as part of the initiative. Construction of toilets, bio-gas units for utilization of organic waste and vermi-compost bins, painting of buildings, extensive cleaning of production hangars, high standard of house-keeping, renovation of toilets, fogging and eradication of mosquito menace etc., are being undertaken. Separate bins for collection of dry / wet waste, paper, plastic etc are kept at required places to ensure segregation of waste.
BEML has constructed 9 new toilets at 6 Government schools in Bangalore, 5 toilets in 2 Government schools in KGF, 8 toilets under Swachh Vidyalaya Abhyan at BEML adopted village Ajjapalli near KGF, 5 nos. in Government Schools at KR Puram, Bangalore, 5 nos in Government Schools at Mysore, 5 nos in Government Schools at Palakkad and 5 Nos. Toilets at School of mines, KGF.
BEML Limited adopted Ajjapalli Village during the year 2015-16, under sustainable Rural Development plan. Company identified and adopted the village in Kolar District with an aim to contribute to its overall development and has undertaken various activities like Construction of Toilet Blocks, Bore Well- Drinking water facilities, Health, Hygiene and sanitation, Solar lighting, conduct of awareness programmes on cleanliness etc.
Five anniversaries of Swachh Bharat Abhyaan was celebrated throughout the organization as ‘Swachh Bharat Diwas’ on 2nd October, coinciding with ‘Gandhi Jayanthi’ was celebrated from 2015-2019, the 150th Birth Anniversary of Gandhiji. Various programmes like oath taking, cleaning drives, planting and distribution of tree saplings were organized across the Company to re-affirm the commitment and dedication towards the national objective of ‘Clean India’
‘Swachhta-Hi Seva’ : As a precursor to the 150th Birth Anniversary of Gandhiji, Swachhta Hi Seva was organised from 11th Sept, 2019 to 2nd Oct, 2019. The Theme for the year was Plastic Waste Management and phasing out of Single Use Plastic (SUP). Various activities was carried out across the Divisions / Complexes / Officers of BEML Limited.
Click Here To View Activities / Events carried out during ‘Swachhta Hi Seva (SHS)’
‘Swachhta Pakhwada’ : In line with the directives of Ministry, “Swachhta Pakhwada” was organised across all the Divisions / Complexes / Offices of the Company from 1st Dec,2019 to 15th Dec,2019, with a thrust for Plastic Waste Management and stopping Single Use Plastic (SUP). Various events / activities as per the calendar of events was conducted during fortnight at Divisions / Complexes & Offices of BEML Limited.
Click Here To View Activities / Events carried out during ‘Swachhta Pakhwada’
‘Plogging’ : Plogging was organised by BEML on 7th December, 2019. Activity was organised in the Townships of Bangalore Complex, KGF Complex, Mysore Complex and Palakkad Complex of the Company.Around 800 Employees / Executives / Contract Personnel carried out the cleaning activity / picking of litter while jogging from the Township premises. BEML School Students at KGF and School Students from the nearby schools at Mysore also participated enthusiastically in the programme and carried out the cleaning activity while jogging. Waste /Litter was collected and disposed off through Authorised Waste Disposal Agencies.
Click Here To View Activities / Events carried out during ‘Plogging’